About the company
Pacific Gro produces highly bio-active liquid fertilizer from fish, shrimp, and crab caught in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Washington and Oregon. We have been a leader in the cold-process enzymatic digestion of fish scrap for over 13 years. In 2013 we developed a process to include crab shell and shrimp shell in liquid fertilizer. This combination of fish, shrimp, and crab has proven to be so bio-active in the soil, and so rich in diverse nutrients, that it has become recognized as far superior to fish fertilizer or fish hydrolysate.
Pacific Gro products
Pacific Gro is used in organic farming and in biological programs that complement chemical fertility programs. These regenerative programs restore soil health and add carbon back to the soil. Beneficial fungi, fed by fish oil, establish a healthy fungal balance and builds soil humus. Nitrogen is in amino acid form - the most efficient form of N, which also chelates other nutrients for availability. Calcium from fishbone and crab and shrimp shells is highly planting available. Both products are liquid, screened to 150 mesh, and suitable for drip irrigation, injection systems, and foliar spraying. Dilution rates and usage are explained in our Application Guide.
Pacific Gro Sea Phos 1.7-7-0
We have developed a
product with the liquefied fishbone that provides high-
ly plant-available phosphorous and calcium, amino
acid nitrogen, and other marine nutrients.
High phosphate formula made of salmon and fishbone. Important at planting to promote roots, and later in the season to promote reproductive energy.
Pacific Gro Oceanic Hydrolysate
The core product for soil health, made of salmon, crab shell, and shrimp shell. Provides chitin, plant-available calcium, and amino acid nitrogen.
It's suitable for use in fertigation, drip irrigation, and foliar spray equipment. We have achieved the suspension of micronized crab and shrimp shells in a liquid that will not clog fertigation emitters.
Contact information
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